GAMING ALBUM: 10/8/2015
/Just a few screenshots of what I've been playing lately...
Just a few screenshots of what I've been playing lately...
Dragon Age: Origins. While the Fade plays out as nightmarishly as the dreamworld it's supposed to represent, old women seem strangely immune to fire-pains.
Dragon Age: Origins. As you can see, this is the "dragon" part of the game.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution. What self-respecting propaga- ..*ahem* news agency wouldn't want a statue of a godlike hand grasping a helpless Earth?
Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I laughed.
Darkest Dungeon. Love Interest + Deviant Tastes means that Umfraville both must relax at the brothel, and yet is forbidden. "I'd do anything for love... but I won't do that."
Darkest Dungeon. First run on the latest patch had my whole party die of heart attacks in one combat. Reynauld woulda' lived, too, if not for the damn corpsepile.
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